2Ane act confirming the kingis majesties royall power over all statis and subjectis within this realme

Forsamekle as syndrie personis being laitlie callit befoir the kingis majestie and his secrete counsell to answer upoun certane pointis to have bene inquirit of thame, concerning sum treasounable, seditious and contumelious spechis utterit be thame in pulpet, scolis and utherwayis, to the disdane and reproche of his hienes, his progenitouris and present counsell, contemptuouslie declinit the jugement of his hienes and his said counsell in that behalf, to the evill exemple of utheris to do the like gif tymous remeid be not providit, thairfoir our soverane lord and his thrie estatis assemblit in this present parliament ratefeis and apprevis and perpetuallie confirmis the royall power and auctoritie over all statis, alsweill spirituall as temporall, within this realme in the persoun of the kingis majestie, our soverane lord, his airis and successouris, and als statutis and ordinis that his hienes, his said aris and successouris, be thame selffis and thair counsellis, ar and in tyme to cum salbe juges competent to all personis, his hienes subiectis of quhatsumevir estate, degrie, functioun or conditioun that ever they be of, spirituall or temporall, in all materis quhairin they or ony of thame salbe apprehendit, summound or chargeit to answer to sic thingis as salbe inquirit of thame be our said soverane lord and his counsell, and that nane of thame quhilkis sall happin to be apprehendit, callit or summound to the effect foirsaid, presume or tak upoun hand to decline the jugement of his hienes, his airis or successouris or thair counsell in the premisis, under the pane of treasoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.116r-v.
  2. Cross beside title.