Ratificatioun of the fair of Streveling

Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament, understanding the complaint gevin in be the provest, bailleis, counsell and communitie of the burgh of Striveling that thair hes bene twa dayis grantit to thame for haldin of fairis yeirlie this lang tyme bipast in the moneth of September, viz., the ane being the Letter Ladie Day the aucht day thairof, and the uther the Ruid Day, being the fourtene day of the samin moneth, being bayth within sevin dayis efter utheris, and swa being so neir togidder and in tyme of harvest, sua that the samin hes nawayis bene proffitabill to the said burgh nor nawayis can serve to thair commoditie in tyme cuming, quhan na resort of pepill cumis thairto; thairfoir oure said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, hes alterit and changit the said fair haldin of befoir yeirlie within the said burgh and fredome thairof upoun the said xiiij day of September, to be haldin in all tymes cuming upoun the xxij day of October yeirlie thairefter, and the first fair usit of befoir upoun the said viij day of September to stand and be usit in the same sort and maner as the samin wes of befoir; and ordanis lettres to be directit to mak publicatioun heirof in forme as effeiris at all places neidfull.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.82v.