For executioun of the actis maid aganis schuting with gunnis at wyld beistis and fowlis

Oure soverane lord, understanding that thair hes bene diverse actis of parliament maid of befoir anent the slaying of hart, hynd, da, ra, hairis, cunningis and utheris beistis with culveringis, corsbowis and hand bowis, and specialie the act maid in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in December, the yeir of God, jM d lxvij yeris, qulkis actis hetherto hes tane na effect, and that in default of magistratis quhilkis wer appointit to put the same to execusioun; thairfoir his hines, with advise of his thre estatis of this present parliament, hes ratifeit and apprevit the saidis haill actis, and speciallie the said act maid in December, the yeir of God jM d lxvij yeris, in all pointis, passis, clausis and articles thairof, with this additioun: that in cais the judge ordiner within quhais boundis the contravener of this present act beis apprehendit do not execut the samin, saoft as dittay salbe gevin up to him upoun onie contravener, he sall pay for the frist falt the sowme of ane hundret pundis, for the secund falt twa hundreth pundis, and ay saoft as he failleis, sall doubill the said pane, to be applyit to oure soverane lordis use; and to the effect that the stewartis, bailleis and all utheris ordiner judges within this realme may put the said act to dew executioun, oure soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, hes ordanit and ordanis the lordis, heritouris or possessouris of the ground to present the contravener of the said act to the ordiner judge, within quhais boundis the said contravener duellis and makis residence, the said heritour or possessour being requirit be the ordiner judge to do the samin under the pane foirsaid, saoft as he beis requirit to that effect, to be applyit to oure soverane lordis use as said is; with power to the saidis ordiner judges to call and convene the saidis heretouris or possessouris refusand to present the saidis contravenaris for the saidis panes, and gif thai be found culpabill, to convict thame thairintill, and to poynd and distrenye thame thairfoir, and to mak yeirlie compt thairof to oure soverane lordis thesaurair in his hines chekker, sua that the samin may be applyit to his hines use as said is; and ordanis speciale letteris of publicatioun to be directit heirupoun, gif neid beis, in forme as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.74v-75r.