Aganis dilapidationis of rentis of benefices providit to ministeris in title for thair liftymes

2Item, becaus sindrie ministeris providit to benefices for thair liftymes, without regaird of conscience or how thair successouris suld leve eftir thame, for sum present profite, settis thair saiddis benefices and rentis thairof in fewis, takis, rentallis or disponis pensionis furth of the same to the utter owerthraw of the kirk and greit prejudice, bayth of the kingis majestie, the commoun welth and prosperitie to cum; it is thairfoir thocht expedient, statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord, with advise of his thre estatis and haill body of this present parliament, that na personis being in the functioun of the ministrie providit to title of benefices under prelacyis sall, in tyme cuming, mak or sett ony fewis, takis, rentallis, dispone pensionis or mak uther dispositionis of the renttis of his benefice to the prejudice of his successoure and diminutioun of the rentale quhairat he findis it at his entrie thairto, under the pane of deprivatioun frome the said benefice, quhairuntill, in cais he failye, his sett and locatioun to be decernit null and him self to be deprivit alsweill frome his functioun in the ministerie as from the benefice it self, quhilk upoun his default, tryit and adjugeit as said is orderlie, salbe declairrit to be vaicand and to be presentit and conferrit of new as gif he wer naturalie deid.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.67r.
  2. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed.