For punischement of regrataris and foirstallaris, cap. 22

2Item, oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of parliament hes ratifeit and apprevit and, be this act, ratifeis and apprevis all actis and constitutionis maid be his hienes maist noble progenitouris in tyme bigane, specialie the actis maid be umquhile his hienes dearest guidsir King James the Fyft, of worthie memorie, anent foirstallaris and regrataris of victuallis, flesche, pultrie and utheris vivers cummand to mercattis, and makis and constitutis the provestis, aldermen and baillies of all his hienes burrowis his majesties justices for executioun of the saidis actis within the boundis of thair awin fredomes and jurisdictionis and to uptak the panes contenit thairin to be applyit efter the forme and tennour thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.29r.
  2. 'P' written in margin.