Act in the favour of Margret Cunnynghame, relicte of umquhile James Cochren of Barbachlaw

Anent the supplicatioun gevin in be Margret Cunynghame, relicte of umquhile James Cochrane of Barbachlaw and now spous to James Mureheid of Lauchop, makand mentioun that quhair mairiage wes compleit betuix the said James Mureheid and hir, she havand na knawlege of ony cryme or offence done be him aganis oure soverane lordis auctoritie or lawis in onywis, and now beand summond amangis certane utheris for certane crymes laid to thar charge pertenit in the summondis of tressone direct thairupoun, sic is the rigour of the law that the said Margret wilbe excludit fra the small rent and leving pertening to hir throw hir said umquhile first husband gif the forfaltour proceid aganis the said James, hir last spous, to hir utter wrak, withhout oure soverane lordis piety and mercie be extendit towardis hir; and seing she is innocent of all the crymes laid to the said Jamis, hir spous, she hes assurit hoip and confidence in his majesties clemencie and favour to be schawin to hir as hes bene alrady extendit to utheris being in the like miserie and calamitie, sen she hes na uther thing to leif on bot that small rent pertening to hir said umquhile first husband; heirfoir beseikand oure said soverane lord and lordis of articles to have consideratioun heirof and of this hir miserable state and to tak sic gude ordour as she may peceably bruik and jois all landis and possessionis apertening to hir properlie be deceis of hir said umquhile spous, with the guidis and plenessing being thairin, during hir lyftyme, to hir necessar use and sustentatioun, and that she be not prejuget nor hurt in the brouking and using thairof throw the forfaltour to be led aganis hir said spous, and to caus ane act to be maid thairupoun as effeiris, with provision and conditioun that the said James, hir spous, sall nawise be helpit be hir said leving, and that she sall nawise resset, supplie, assist nor intercommooun with ony declarit, or that heirefter salhappyne to be declarit tratouris, as culpable and gilty of the murtheris perpetrat in the personis of oure soverane lordis umquhile father and tua regentis as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun. Quhilk being sene and considerit be the kingis majestie, with avise of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, decernis and declaris that the said Margret Cunynghame sall peceably brouk and jois all landis, rentis and possessionis appertening to hir properlie be deceis of the said umquhile James Cochrane, hir spous, with the guidis and plenessing being thairin during hir lyftyme to hir necessar use and sustentatioun, and that she be not prejugit nor hurt in the brouking and joising thairof throw the forfaltour led aganis the said James Mureheid, sumtyme of Lauchop, providing that the said Margret behave hir self as ane loyall and obedient subject to oure soverane lord and that she on nawis resset, supplie, assist or intercommoun with ony declarit or that heirefter salhappyne to be declarit traitoris, as culpable of the murtheris perpetrat in the personis of oure soverane lordis dearest gudesir and uncle, his hienes regentis for the tyme.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.23v.