Act in the favouris Jeane Dischingtoun, ane of the airis of Ardross

Anent the supplicatioun gevin in be Jeane Discheingtoun, youngest dochtir and ane of the tua airis of umquhile Paull Discheingtoun, fear of Ardross, makand mentioun that quhair efter the deceis of hir said umquhile fader, hir waird and mariage became to the dispositioun of umquhile James, duke of Chastellerault, erle of Arrane, lord Hammyltoun, protectour and governour of this realme for the tyme, quha alsua obtenit possessioun of hir persone being then ane infant; and befoir she had discretioun or conference with hir freindis to chies ane pairtie aggreable, she wes mariit upoun Gawin Hammiltoun, sumtyme of Reploch, be the space xv yeiris syne, lang befoir ony cryme committit be him, quhairwith he is now chairget. Nochttheles, upoun the occasioun of his unhappie being at Striveling the tyme of the deceis of oure said soverane lordis dearest gudesir, hir said husband is now fugitive, his leving and all the portioun of land quhilk fell to hir be deceis of hir said umquhile father is becum in oure said soverane lordis handis, the said Jeane laitlie falling to a small portioun thairof be compositioun be the advise of freindis, viz., the manys of Kirkpotie, with mylne thairof, the landis of Tollennoquheis and Dewglie, with the myln thairof, as the decreit arbitrall and contract of divisioun beiris, upoun the quhilk she presentit hir supplicatioun to oure said soverane lord and lordis foirsaidis, quhairof she ressavit his gracious ansuer ordaning hir to produce the said decreit arbitrall and contract of divisioun befoir his hienes advocat to be sene and considerate, that it being knawin in particular quhat landis suld appertene to hir properlie, thairby oure said soverane lord, with avise of the lordis foirsaidis, wald of mercie and piety dispone the same to hir for hir lyftyme, howsonne the same suld becum in his hienes handis. According to the quhilk ordinance, she producit the said decreit and contract unto his majesties advocat, quha hes considerit thame at lenth, and thairby undirstandis the landis foirsaidis to appertene to hir properlie, as he being requirit will manifest to his hienes maist humily, thairfoir beseiking his majestie to have consideratioun of hir former supplicatioun and deliverance gevin thairupoun, and that his hienes of his mercie and pietie will dispone the saidis landis off hir said umquhile fatheris leving pertenyng to hir properlie as said is, and proffittis thairof for all the dayis of hir lyftyme, to hir sustentatioun, that is becum of honnest parentis, and to grant hir power be hir selff and hir procuratoris in hir name to stand in jugement, and to persew and defend all actionis concerning hir properlie, specialie towart hir securitie of the saidis landis and that without consent of hir said husband, notwithstanding his inhabilitie to authorize hir in hir said persute or defence, and to mak ane act of parliament thairupoun, and his hienes and his estaitis to interpone thair auctoritie thairto for the said Jeanis better securitie as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun. Quhilk being sene and considerit be the kingis majestie and estaitis foirsaidis, oure soverane lord, of his speciall mercie, clemency and pety, with avise of his saidis thrie estaitis of this present parliament, hes disponit and disponis to the said Jeane the saidis landis of Kirkpoty, with the myln, liand within the schirefdome of Perth, and the landis of Dewgleis and Tollennoquheis, with the myln thairof, liand within the schirefdome of Kynross, with all thair houses, places, mylnis, partis and pendicles thairof, quhilkis wes ane pairt of hir said umquhile fatheris leving pertening to hir in partaige and proffittis thairof for all the dayis of hir lyftyme, to hir sustentatioun, quha is becum of honest parentis. And further, oure said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, gevis and grantis full power and licence to the said Jeane that she may, be hir self and hir procuratouris in hir name, stand in jugement befoir quhatsumevir juge or juges within this realme, and persew and defend all actionis concerning hir properlie, specialie toward hir securitie of the saidis landis during hir lyftyme as said is, and that without consent of hir said husband, notwithstanding his inhabilitie, and authorizes the said Jeane in hir said persute and defence; and for hir better securitie, oure said soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis hes interponit and interponis thair auctoritie thairto, providing that the said Jeane behave hir self as ane loyall and obedient subject to oure soverane lord and that she on nawyse ressett, supplie, assist or intercommoune with ony declarit or that heirefter happynnis to be declarit tratouris as culpable and gilty of the murtheris perpetrat in the personis of oure said soverane lordis dearest gudesir and uncle, his hienes regentis for the tyme, and ordanis lettres to be directit to mak publicatioun heirof, gif neid beis, in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.22v-23r.