The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Ane act concerning the kyndlie tennentis of the bischoprik of Dumblane
Anent the supplicatioun gevin in be the native tennentis and kyndlie possessouris of the temperall landis pertenig to the bischoprik of Dumblane, makand mentioun that quhair thay, be thair selffis and thair predicessouris, haif possessit and bruikit the foirsaidis landis, ilk ane respective for thair awin pairtis, as takkismen and tennentis to the said bischoprik and his predicessouris in all tymes bigane, past memorie of man, to quhome thay and thair predicessouris haif maid sa thankfull payment of thair dewtie and utheris thair dew service, that nether the present possessour of the benefice, nor yit ony of his predicessouris haif gude caus or occasioun to complene. Maister Andro Grahame, quha is provest to the said bischoprik, be menis of Johnne, erll of Montrois, is weill knawin, hes sett the haill temperall landis of the said bischoprik occupyit be the saidis tennentis and thair predicessouris past memorie of thame as said is, quha, with proces of tyme, will not faill to remove thame fra thair saidis native and kyndlie rowmes, quhairby ane thowsand of our soverane lordis commonis and pure people wilbe put to uter heirschip and extreme beggartie, besides the inlaik of our soveranes service, quhen as sa grite rowmes, quhairupoun sa mony ar sustenit, salbe reducit in the handis of ane particular man. And trewth it is that the saidis fewis ar not confirmit be our said soverane, bot ar stayit for the causis foirsaidis, and thay ar content above thair power to do, everie ane for thair awin rowmes, gif the said bischop will accept the samin. Disiring thairfoir the kingis grace and thrie estaitis of this present parliament that it micht be statute and ordanit that the saidis fewes of the saidis tennentis rowmes set over thair heidis suld on na wayis be confirmit, and that it sall not be lesum to the said bischop to set tak, rentall or uther richt thairof be resson quhairof thay may be removit, nather at his awin instance nor at the instance of ony uther haifand richt of him, thay payand thair maillis and dewteis thankfullie and uther dew service as effeiris, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun. Quhilk being sene and considderit be the lordis of articlis, and thairefter be the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis, ordanis the lordis commissionaris deput for the confirmatioun of fewes to vesie and considder the infeftment and confirmatioun to be past to the said erll of the saidis landis and or thai pass the samin to sie that the saidis kyndlie tennentis be satisfeit for thair kyndnes; and quhill the samin be done, dischargis the keiparis of the signet, previe and grite seillis, of all appending of the samin to the said charter and of thair offices in that pairt.
- NAS, PA2/12, ff.9v-10r.