Ane pacificatioun grantit to Johnne Maitland of Achingassill

Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the thrie estaitis of parliament, for gude considerationis moving his hienes tending to the quietnes of this realme and of his speciall grace and favouris, hes gevin and grantit and, be the tennour of this present act, with avise and consent foirsaid, gevis and grantis to Johnne Maitland of Achingassill the elyk grace, benefite and favour as is contenit in the pacificatioun maid at Perth, the xxiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxij yeiris, betuix his hienes commissioneris on that ane pairte and umquhile George, erll of Huntlie and certane utheris, his collegis, one that uther pairte, ratefeit and apprevit in his hienes parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Aprile, the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris; and that the said pacificatioun and approbatioun thairof in parliament be als largelie extendit in favouris of the said Johnne Maitland, his airis and successouris, for saiftie of thair lyffis, landis and guidis, as gif the said Johnne wer speciallie comprehendit and contenit thairin, notwithstanding the pretendit proces and dome of foirfaltour led and gevin aganis him in the moneth of [...] the yeir of God jM vC [...] yeiris, for certane crymes of tresson and lesemajestie committit be him, as at mair lenth is contenit in the samin; quhilk proces and dome of foirfaltour, with all that followit thairupoun, oure said soverane lord and thrie estaitis of parliament rescindis, retreittis, cassis, annullis, restoris and redintegratis the said Johne Maitland fullelie aganis the samin and to his honour, fame and dignitie siclyk and alsfrelie as he wes in all respectis befoir the leding of the said proces; and decernis and declaris this present pacificatioun now grantit to the said Johnne to be als valid and sufficient in the selff in all tymes heirefter for reponing of him to his full richt of his landis and estait of his persone as gif the said sentence of foirfaltour had bene reducit be ane speciall summondis, all pairteis haveand entres being speciallie callit thairto; and declaris alsua the said proces of foirfaltour of nane availl in all tymes cuming, in sa far as the sam may be extendit in the said Johnes contrare; and that thir presentis be extendit in ample and dew forme as effeiris, providing that thir presentis contene na pardoun, favour nor grace for the murtheris of oure said soverane lordis umquhile fader and his twa regentis; and incaice thay be fund culpabill thairof, that than and in that caice the benefite of this present act and restitutioun, now as than and than as now, to haif bene and to be of nane availl, force nor effect.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.8v-9r.