The pacificatioun grantit to the Lord Home

Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the thrie estatis of this present parliament, for divers considerationis moving thame tending to the quietnes of this realme, have gevin and grantit and, be the tennour heirof, gevis and grantis to Alexander Home, sone lawfull and air apperand of umquhill Alexander, lord Home, quha last decessit the elyk favour, grace and benefite of pacificatioun maid at Perthe upoun the xxiij day of Februare, the yeir of God jM vC lxxij yeiris, and ratefeit and approvit in his hienes parliament haldin at Edinburght in the moneth of Aprill nixt thairefter in the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, and willis the samyn be als ample extendit in his favouris, in all respectis, conditionis, clausis and circumstances thairof, as the said umquhill Alexander, lord Home had bene expreslie comprehendit and contenit thairin; as alsua his hienes, with avise foirsaid, willis and grantis that the same pacificatioun be maist ample interprete and extendit to him in all clausis thairof as said is, and speciallie that this act of parliament according to the said pacificatioun be sufficient to rescind and retrait, likeas our said soverane lord and estatis foirsaidis, be thir presentis, retractis and rescindis the proces of foirfaltoure led aganis the said Alexander, lord Home for certane crymes of treasoun and lesemajestie committit be him, and to restoir and redintegrat as his hienes, with avise foirsaid, restoris and redintegratis the said Alexander Home, sone and air apperand foirsaid, aganis the samyn, siclike and als frelie in all respectis as gif the said proces of foirfaltoure had nevir bene led and dome of foirfalture had nevir bene gevin, efter the forme and tennour of the said pacificatioun, quhilk and everie claus thairof is heirin haldin for expres; and ordinis this present act to be extendit in competent and dew forme as efferis restoring fullelie the memorie, honour and fame of the said umquhill Alexander, lord Home in the persoun of the said Alexander Home, his sone and air apperand. Likas our said soverane lord and thrie estatis of parliament rehabillis and restoris the said Alexander thairto, and findis and declaris him hable to succeid and enter as air to the said umquhill Alexander, lord Home be brevis of our soverane lordis chapell, and utherwayis to all landis, heretageis, rowmes and possessionis, takis, offices and utheris to the quhilkis the said umquhill Alexander, lord Home had rycht notwithstanding said proces of foirfaltour or ony thing following thairupoun. Providing alwayis that be thir presentis our soverane lord be on nawayis prejugit of the said Alexanderis waird and mariage, nor of the haill proffeittis and commoditeis thairof; and siclyk that all the provisionis of benefices, personages, vicarages, chaplanreis and prebendareis pertening to the said Lord Home's presentatioun and providit be our soverane lord and his regent to quhatsumevir persones sen the leding of the said foirfaltour of the said umquhile Lord Home stand to the present possessouris thairof in full forme, force, strenth and effect, notwithstanding this present restitutioun and benefite. Providing alsua that in cais the said lordis umquhile fader be culpabill of the murtheris of our said soverane lordis umquhile fader and twa regentis that than, and in that caice, the benefite of this present act and restitutioun, now as than and than as now, to haif bene and to be of nane availl, force nor effect.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.8r-v.