Ane act maid anent cunyie

Forsamekle as it is considerit be our soverane lord and his thrie estatis that his hienes cunyie hes stayit continowallie sen the [...] day of Marche lastbypast, quhairthrow our soverane lordis commoditie is hurt, thairfoir his majestie, with avise of his saidis estatis, ordinis ane penny or pece of sylver to be cunyeit of the fynnes of ellevin deneiris, and giffis full commissioun to his hienes counsell now electit, and the maist part of the haill numer now chosin, and of the officiaris adjonit to thame, to tak ordour upoun the forme, inscriptioun, wecht, avale and price of the said pennie to be strikin as thay may2 best, upoun thair guid discretionis, to the commoditie of the realme and weilfair of our soverane lord; and as the said counsell, or the maist part thairof, findis maist meit in that behalf, oure soverane lord and thrie estatis decernis thair declaratour and ordinance to have the strenthe and effect of ane act of parliament, providing alwayis that this ordour to be takin anent the streking of the said new penny indure quhill farder ordour be tane be the estatis in parliament. In like maner, oure soverane lord and thrie estatis foirsaidis, grantis comissioun to the said counsell, or the maist part of thame, to tak ordour how the xxx, xx and x s. peceis with the testamentis be haldin within the realme and not transportit furth thairoff.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.7v-8r.
  2. APS reads, 'as thay may think ...'.