Anent the policie of the kirk

Forsamekill as ane buik of the policie of the kirk being presentit be the ministeris thairof to our soverane lord and thrie estatis in parliament, they maist earnestlie desirit the samyn and haill constitutionis and ordinanceis thairin contenit to be confirmit be act of parliament and have the strenth of ane law perpetuallie in tyme cumming; the said buik being red and considerit in presens of the lordis chosin upoun the articles and mony headis thairof being found of sa great wecht and consequence that na resolutioun nor determinatioun can be presentlie gevin thairin, and our said soverane lord and his thrie estatis, being maist willing that the policie of the kirk suld be certane and establissit, have appointit the personis underwrittin: that ar to say, Robert, erll of Lennox, lord Darnelie, Robert, erll of Buchane, lord Outherhous, and Robert, lord Boyd, thrie of the kingis grace previe counsell; Patrik, archiebishop of Sanctandrois, James, archiebishop of Glesgow and David, bischop of Aberdene for the bischoppis; Robert, commendatar of Dunfermling, Mark, commendatar of Newbottill, and Robert, commendatar of Deir for the abbottis; Johne Erskyne of Dynne, Johne Wischart of Pittarro and Johne Fowlartoun of Dreghorne for the baronis; William, lord Ruthven, provest of Perth, Maister James Haliburtoun, provest of Dundie, and Johne Arnott, burges of Edinburgh, for the burrowis; Maisteris Johne Scharp, Clement Lytill and Maister Alexander Syme, advocattis, Maisteris George Buchannane, Petre Young, Alexander Arbuthnett, assistouris, Maisteris James Lawsoun, David Lyndsay, George Hay, Williame Crystisoun, Johne Row and Johnne Duncansoun for the ministerie, or ony auchtene of thame conjunctlie, to convene at Striveling, the xviij day of August nixtocum, and thair to vissie the foirsaid buik, with certane tratis maid befoir at Leith and Halyruidhous concernyng the said policie, and to confer thairupoun and upoun all uther thingis concerning or that may be proffitable to the furthsetting of the said policie to the quietnes of the haill kirk and commoun weill of the realme, and that thair said conference be put in wreat and reportit to our said soverane lord and thrie estatis in the nixt parliament, that ane substantious and certane ordour may be takin thairin as accordis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.6v.