Ane uther commissioun to treat upoun the lawes

Item, forsamekill as thair is certane constitutionis and lawis devisit and ordanit to be maid and authorisit quhilk suld be observit universallie be all the liegeis of this realme, quhilkis as yit ar not throuchlie consultit and avisit upoun, sua that the samin at this tyme can not be declarit be our soverane lord and estaitis of parliament to be establischit as lawis; thairfoir our said soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis foirsaidis, hes gevin and grantit lyk as thay be the tennour heirof giffis and grantis full power and commissioun to the erllis, lordis, baronis and great men, commissaris of burrowis and utheris letterit men underwritten: that is to say, James, erll of Mortoun, lord Dalkeithe etc., Robert, erll of Buchane, Johne, lord Hereis, William Dowglas of Lochlevin, Mr David Carnegie of Cullathie, William Cunnynghame of Caprintoun, Alexander Abercrummy of that Ilk, [...] Kinross of Kippenross, Patrik, archiebischop of Sanctandrois, James, archiebischop of Glesgow, David, bishop of Aberdene, Robert, commendatar of Deir, Robert, commendatar of Dunfermling, Alexander, commendatar of Culross, Maister Alexander Arbuthnet, principall of the college of Aberdene, Maister Johne Mairjoribankis, Henrie Neisbit, burges of Edinburgh, Maister James Halyburton, provest of Dundie, Maister Robert Lummisdaill, eldar of Cloway, burges of Aberdene, James Flemyng, burges of Glesgow, Williame Norwell, burges of Striveling, Maister James Mcgill of Rankelour Nether, clerk of register, Maister Thomas Mccallean of Cliftounhall, James Meldrum, youngar of Segie, Maister Robert Crychtoun of Eliok, advocat to our soverane lord, Maisteris Alexander Skene and Thomas Craig, advocattis, Maister George Buchanane pensioner of Corceraguell, and Maister Petre Young, familiar servitour to our said soverane lord, or xliij2 of thame conjunctlie, to visie, sycht and considre the saidis lawis and to reasone and confer thairupoun, and to that effect to convene and meit within the burgh of Striveling upoun the first day of October nixtocum, and to report thair procedingis and conference to the kingis grace and estatis of parliament, sua that they all in ane voce may estableis the same as perpetuall lawes as salbe aggreit heirefter thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.6r-v.
  2. The number of people named above suggests that this is a clerical error; APS changed it to xviij or 18.