Ogilvy dischargit of his ward

2Anent the supplicatioun presentit to oure soverane lord, nobilitie and estaitis be James, lord Ogilvy, makand mentioun that quhair James, erll of Mortoun, late regent, causit detene the said James, lord Ogilvy in ward, first within the palace of Linl[ithgow], nixt in the citie of Glasgow and last within the citie of Sanctandrois, for quhat caus he knawis not; and befoir his entre in Sanctandrois, he wes compellit to find Alex[ander] Ogilvy of Clova, James Ogilvy of Balfour, Sir Johnne Carnegy of Kynnard, knycht, and Sir David Grahame of Fintre, knycht, cautionaris and souirteis for him conjunctlie and sev[...], that he sould not eschape, eschew nor depart furth of the said citie of Sanctandrois un[...] sic tyme as he wer fred be our soverane lord or his said lait regent under the pane of ten thowsand pundis, as ane act maid thairupoun in the bukis of secreit counsale at mair lenth proportis. And seing now he hes reparit to the burgh of Striveling at comm[...] of the kingis majesteis lettre direct to him for that effect, humelie desyring, thairfoir, that he and his saidis cautionaris mycht be dischargeit of the said act and of all pane and dangeare that thay may incur thairthrow, and the same tobe deleit and to have na forder strenth nor effect in tyme cuming, lyke as at mair lenth is contenit in the said suplicatioun. Quhilkis being red, sene and considerate, the kingis majestie, with avise of his saidis nobilitie and estaittis, declaris that the said James, lord Ogilvy hes done gude and thankfull pleasour to his hienes in cuming and reparing to his majestie, conforme to his hienes lettre direct to that effect, and thairfoir dischargeis the said James and the forsaidis personis, his cautionaris, of the said act and of all pane and dangeare that thay may incur thairthrow. And ordanis the same act tobe deleit furth of the saidis bukis of secreit counsale, quhairthrow the same [to] have na forder strenth, force, effect nor executioun in tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PC1/9, p.4.
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to manuscript.