To considder the Erll of Murrayis dettis

The quhilk day comperit Maister Thomas Craig, advocat, in name and behalf of Elizabeth and Margaret Stewartis, lauchfull dochteris and airis of umquhile the nobill and michtie lord James, erll of Murray, lord Abirnethie, uncle to oure soverane lord and regent to his hienes, his realme and liegis for the tyme, of gude memory, and of Dame Agnes Keith, countesse of Ergyle and Murray, his relict and now the spous of the nobill, alsua ane michtie lord Coline, erll of Ergyle, lord Campbell and Lorne (he him self being present for his interes), and exponit and declarit how the said umquhile Erll of Murray, regent, for the singular luif and affectioun quhilk he bure to oure said soverane lord and for the preservatioun of his persoun eftir the murthour of the king, his hienes dearest fader, acceptit the administratioun and regiment of this realme on him in ane maisst difficill and dangerous tyme, during the quhilk, in respect of the greit inobedience and civile weare within the realme quhairby the rentis of the croun wer not weill payit, and yit the charge greit and sumptuous, as alsua of the exhorbitant expensis maid in the realme of England, in defence of oure said soverane lordis authoritie and commoune weill of the realme, the said umquhile lord regent not onelie spendit his awin leving and gudis, sauld and wedset sindry portionis of his heretage, bot alsua contractit greit dett, alsweill within this realme as outwith the same in foreyn cuntreis, besyde the spending of his awin lyff, in the end to the havy losse and skayth of his posteritie and freindis, bot specialie of the said countesse, his relict, and of the saidis Elizabeth and Margaret, his dochteris and airis, quhilkis be occasioun of the said publict service baith wantis the said heretage sauld and wedset as said is, and ar subject to the payment of the saidis debtis and sowmes of money and thair remanent leving quhairunto thay aucht to succeid in dangeare tobe apprysit thairfoir. And seing be decreit of the regentis grace and secreit counsale, with lettres and charges of horning direct thairupoun, the said Dame Agnes Keith and the said Coline, erll of Ergyle, now hir spous, for his interes, ar presentlie compellit to exhibit and deliver to the regentis grace present, in name and behalf of oure said soverane lord, the jowellis underwrittin, thay ar to say: ane greit 'H' of dyamont, with ane rubie pendand thairat, sex uther jowellis thairof, thre dyamontis and the uther thre rubeis, quhilkis wer put in the handis and custody of the said dame Agnes for a releif of hir saidis dochteris of the saidis dettis, expensis and chargeis abonewrittin; thay, nochtwithstanding the present delivery thairof, standing still subject as yit to the payment of the saidis dettis contractit be the said umquhile regent, hir spous and thair fader, in the effairis and service of the croun as said is, of equitie, thay aucht tobe relevit of the same. Quhilk desir and petitioun being hard and understand to the regentis grace, nobilitie, counsale and estaittis present, his grace, be thair advise and consent, ordanis and commandis the said lord chancellair and sic utheris of the previe counsale as salbe present with him to tak consideratioun of the chargeis and expensis maid be the said umquhile Erll of Murray, regent, in the effairis of oure soverane lord during the tyme of his said regiment, and of the dettis contractit be him throw the occasioun of that charge and office, and to gif furth thair declaratioun as they find of the said haill chargeis and dettis agane the nixt parliament or conventioun generall; and as the said lord chancellair and counsall declaris or findis tobe spendit or det contractit be the said lord regent for advanceing of the kingis royall estate and commoune effairis of the realme induring his tyme, the said lord regentis grace, with avise of the haill nobilitie present, thinkis it verie ressonabill that sic gude ordour be tane heiranent as the wyff and bairnis of the said umquhile lord regent now, eftir his departure, sall not be prejugeit and wrakkit be occasioun of his trew service, quhilk wes sa acceptabill to the commoune weill, bot that provisioun be maid for outred, releif and payment of the same as convenientlie may be done and as equitie and gude conscience cravis. And the said lord chancellair hes acceptit the said charge upoun him, with assistance of the rest of the counsale, and sall proceid in the cognitioun and tryell taking of the saidis dettis with all convenient expeditioun.

  1. NAS, PC1/7, pp.298-99.