Ane approbatioun of the act maid anent the dispositioun of benefices to the ministeris of Christis evangell

Item, becaus thair hes bene sum questioun, baith befoir the lordis of sessioun and commissaris of Edinburgh, anent the declaratioun of the act and ordinance maid be the quene, our soverane lordis mother, with avise of the lordis of secreit counsall for the tyme, and thairefter ratefyit in parliament, anent the dispositioun of all benefices not exceding thre hundreth merkis of yeirly rent or within to qualefyit ministeris, quhilk act our soverane lord, with avise and consent of my lord regentis grace, the thre estatis and haill body of this present parliament, ratefyis, approvis and confirmis, ordinand the samin to have full effect fra the day and dait thairof, notwithstanding ony exceptioun proponit or to be proponit of non publicatioun of the said act, seing the quene, our soverane lordis mother, was sworne thairin in verbo principis never to cum in the contrair thairof, and that the said act hes generally takin effect sen the making of the samin, provyding alwayis that this present act prejudge not the law of patronis.

  1. The Actis of King James the Sext, printed by R. Lekprevick (St Andrews, 1573), f.11r. Bound with earlier parliamentary material at NLS, Black Acts, 1566-94, H.33.c.21, Scots Acts of Parliament, H.33.c.23 or Scots Acts, H.33.c.25. See also NAS, PA6/1, 1572/3.