Anent the establisching of the regiment in case at Goddis plesure that charge yit vaik during the kingis majesteis minoritie2

Forsamekle as sen the coronatioun of the kingis majestie, oure soverane lord, the charge of regiment of his hienes, his realme and leigis hes bene worthely occupyit and administrat be divers nobill men, being of the nowmer of thame quhilkis ar nominat and contenit in the commissioun of the quene, his hienes moder, maid and gevin the tyme of the dimissioun of hir crowne in his majesteis favouris, and electit, allowit and approvit be the estatis of parliament for the tyme; and now my lord regentis grace and thre estatis3 of this present parliament, considdering in how schort space sa mony nobill men his hienes derrest freindis and approvit weilwillaris, ar departit this lyfe, for the maist part be violent meanis of thair enemeis becaus of thair constant professioun and mantenance of the authoritie of our soverane lord, sa as the nowmer of personis contenit in the said commissioun4 now leving and remaning obedient to oure soverane lord (being few) may other be naturall or violent deathe at Goddis pleisure be takin away during his majesteis minoritie. Yit, to the effect that his hienes, his said realme and liegis sall nocht throw ony occasioun be destitute of regiment, it is thairfoir fundin,5 declarit, statute and ordanit be our soverane lord, with avise and consent of his hienes regent, the thre estatis and haill body of this present parliament, that how sone and how oft it salhappin the regiment of this realme to vaik during his hienes minoritie foirsaid, it salbe lauchfull to the estatis convenand to elect ony ane persoun of the nobilitie professing the trew religioun, and that hes gevin prufe of his gude affectioun thairto and to the estait of our soverane lord, libertie, quyetnes and commoune weill of this realme, to the said office and charge of regentrie; quhilk electioun, with the acceptatioun, actis and procedingis of the persoun or persounis to be electit, salbe lauchfull, perfite and sufficient althocht thai sall nocht happin to be of the nowmer specifyit and contenit in the said commmissioun.6

  1. The Actis of King James the Sext, printed by R. Lekprevick (St Andrews, 1573), f.9r. Bound with earlier parliamentary material at NLS, Black Acts, 1566-94, H.33.c.21, Scots Acts of Parliament, H.33.c.23 or Scots Acts, H.33.c.25. See also NAS, PA6/1, 1572/3.
  2. A version of this act at NAS, PA6/1, 1572/3 appears to be a draft. It is bound with 12 unnumbered folios, which all appear to have been annotated between 19 and 26 January 1572/3.
  3. 'thre' not in PA6/1.
  4. 'contenit in the said commissioun' added in APS but not in PA6/1.
  5. PA6/1 has 'that is may be fund' instead of 'it is thairfoir fundin'.
  6. In the margin of PA6/1: 'xxo Januarij 1572, the lordis articlis hes agreit to this act. xxvjo Januarij 1572, votit and agreit in parliament.'