Anent the disobedientis quhilkis salbe ressavit to our soverane lordis mercy and pardoun

Item, forsamekle as thair hes bene greit rebellioun and disobedience aganis our soverane lordis authoritie in tyme bypast, and seing the caus of Goddis trew religioun and his hienes authoritie foirsaid ar sa joynit as the hurt of the ane is commoun to baith, it is thairfoir declarit, statute and ordanit be our soverane lord, with avise and consent of my lord regentis grace, with the thre estatis and haill body of this present parliament, that nane salbe repute as loyall and faithful subiectis to our said soverane lord or his authoritie, bot be puneisabill as rebellaris and ganestandaris of the samin quhilk sall not gif thair confessioun and mak thair professioun of the said trew religioun; and that all sic as makis professioun thairof and yit hes maid defectioun fra thair dew obedience aucht to our soverane lord, salbe admonischit be the pastouris and ministeris of the kirk to acknawledge thair offence and returne to thair detfull obedience; and gif thay failye thairin, to be excommunicat and secludit from the societie of the kirk as rebellious and corrupt menbers betuix and the first day of Junii nixt tocum. And that alwayis befoir sic persounis as hes maid defectioun be ressavit to our soverane lordis mercy and favour, thay sall gif the confessioun of thair faith of new and promeis to continew in the confessioun of the trew religioun in tyme cumming mantene our soverane lordis authoritie; and that thay sall, at the uttermest of thair power, fortifie, assist and mantene the trew preicheouris and professouris of Christis religioun aganis quhatsumever enemeis and ganestandaris of the samin, and namely aganis all sic of quhatsumever natioun, estait or degre thay be of that hes joynit and bund thame selfis or hes assistit or assistis to set fordwart and execute the cruell decreittis of the Counsall of Trent (quhilk maist injuriously is callit be the adversareis of Goddis treuth, the Haly League) contrair the preichouris and trew professouris of the word of God.

  1. The Actis of King James the Sext, printed by R. Lekprevick (St Andrews, 1573), ff.7v-8r. Bound with earlier parliamentary material at NLS, Black Acts, 1566-94, H.33.c.21, Scots Acts of Parliament, H.33.c.23 or Scots Acts, H.33.c.25. See also NAS, PA6/1, 1572/3.