Ordour for the kingis remaning and upbringing

2Forsamekle as sone eftir the birth of the kingis majestie, oure soverane lord, his hienes maist nobill persoun wes committit to the governament and custody of umquhile Johnne, erll of Mar, lord Erskin, lait regent to his majestie, his realme and liegis of gude memory, and to my lady the Countesse of Mar, his wyff, in respect of the gude prufe had of the honour, trewth and loving hart of the said umquhile lord regent, his fader and predicessouris towart the sauftie, honourabill and vertuous educatioun of the soverane princes of this realme in thair infancy, in quhilk charge the hous of Erskin in mannis memory hes bene at sindry tymes employit, and alwayis dewtifullie and honourabillie dischargeit the same; the said lady being alsua of his majesteis blude, and swa be nature and dewitie the mair obleist and devint tobe cairfull of his hienes preservatioun and saulftie. Lyke as the said umquhile lait regent, being burdynnit with the regiment of the realme eftir his majesteis uncle and guidsir had endit thair lyffis in that charge, executed the same during the trublous tyme of his governament to the gude lyking and contentatioun of all the states and people of this realme obedient to his hienes, and departed this warld at Goddis pleasur quhen his lyff wes maist ernistlie wissit for, leaving, be the same his deceis, the realme destitute of regiment and his hienes persoun in the castell of Striveling in the keping and governament of my lady, his relict, and of his broder and speciall freindis; and the mater of his hienes custody and preservatioun being dewlie and richtlie considerit be my lord regentis grace, the counsall and estaittis present, being all maist cairfull of the preservatioun and godlie and vertuous educatioun of oure said soverane lord, thay have found and findis na place nor hous mair convenient for his majesteis residence nor the castell of Striveling, quhair his hienes maist nobill persoun presentlie remanis. And albeit the lyff of the said umquhile Erll of Mar, lait regent, at Goddis pleasur be takin frome this warld, yit remanis Johnne, now erll of Mar, his sone and apperand air and successour of gude expectatioun, nureist and brocht up with his hienes in his cumpany and service; as alsua my lady Countesse of Mar, his majesteis consignate and governant to his persoun, and the other neir freindis of that hous quhilk heirtofoir had the cair of his majesteis keping, q[...] the said umquhile lord regent wes absent in persoun and occupiit in the effairis of the regiment and state, and alwayis faythfullie behavit thame selffis in that precious charge committit to thame, quhairthrow the certane prufe bipast merite [...] tobe rather followit nor innovatioun usit, seing change can not bot in sum conditioun import perell and dangeare. And thairfoir my lord regentis grace, with avise of the nobilitie and estaittis present, hes fund it meit and concludit that the persoun of oure said soverane lord sall remane as afoir within the said castell of Striveling under the nutriture of my said lady the Countesse of Mar, his governant, as towart his mowth and ordering of his persoun, continewing alwayis under the educatioun of his present maisteris, pedagogis in religioun, doctrine and maneris; and that the said castell salbe kepit and preservit as afoir, in name of the said Johnne, now erll of Mar, heretabill fewer of the custody thairof, remaning in his majesteis cumpany and service be the freindis of the hous of Erskin: that is to say, Robert, erll of Buchane, David, commendatare of Dryburgh, Alexander Erskin of Gogar, Williame Dowglas of Lochlevin; of quhilkis four, my lord regentis grace, the counsale and estaittis ordanis twa tobe alwayis present and resident within the said castell of Striveling; and that his majesteis hous be kepit and furneist; as alsua sic dewitie payit for attending on his persoun as hes heirtofoir bene accustomat or salbe fund expedient. And this ordour quhill forder ordour to induir.3

  1. NAS, PC1/7, pp.8-9.
  2. Gaps in text due to slight damage to manuscript.
  3. In NAS, PC1/7, the next item refers to the 'lords of secret council', indicating the end of parliamentary material.