Procedure: appointment of commissioners to negotiate with England

2Item, forsamekle as in this present rynnand [...], the kingis majesties gudschir and lait regent, having proponit of befoir to mak ansuer to the quenis majesties of Inglandis lettre send to him tweching the directing of commissionaris for the part of oure soverane lord the king to the frontar at Berwik, quhair alsua hir majestie intendit to send sum personis of hir counsale to heir and deliberat upoun materis in contentioune for establischimg of quietnes betuix the twa realmes, as alsua to commoune upoune the differences of the croune, at the ressait of the quhilk lettre, the mater being of sic importance that na few nowmer durst presume to treit or grant commissioune thairupoune, opinionis of the haill estaittis thocht necessar and requise to be hed thairin; quhilk being movit and proponit unto the saidis estaittis [...] of this present parliament be oure soverane lordis umquhile [...] regent, thay being ryplie avisit thairwith, than tuke [...] quenis mater of Englandis meaning in very gude p[...] ance of hir accustumat cair towartis the preserva[tioun ...] of oure soverane lord and his gude subjectis and of the [...] realmes, and thairfoir glaidlie willing to embrace [...]ceiding on hir majesties motioune, thay thocht and als [...] of commissionaris be at the bordouris. And for the part [...] oure soverane will nawise refuise the samin, to confer and tr[...] quenis majestie of Englandis commissionaris upoun all d[iffere...] causis or materis dependand betuix the subjectis of ather rea[lme] gewin upoune the occasioune of the lait trublis, and for forder conf[...]atioune or augmenting of ony treatie of peace heirtofoir maid and concludit betuix the realmes of Scotland and England, or for contracting and perfiting of ony new treatie or consideratioune, alswele for the mantenance of the trew religioune publictlie professit be the inhabitantis of baith the realmes, and for resisting of ony power that micht be steirit up within ather realme going about to disturb the amitie quhairin it hes plesit God to contene the twa realmes in the unitie of the said religioune; as alsua for the increse of amitie, peace and concord betuix hir majestie and oure soverane lord, hir and his realmes, dominionis, pepill and subjectis, and thairfoir, quhen it salbe hir majesties gude plesir to authorize commissionar or commissionaris and send thame to hir fronteiris to the effect foirsaid, the estatis thocht gude that thay be met be the nobilmen of this realme, and for that purpoise hes nominat the nobilmen and utheris eftir specifiit: that is to say, James, erle of Mortoune, lord of Dalkeith etc., chancellar and greit admarall of Scotland, Archibald, erle of Ergile, lord Campbell and Lorne etc., greit justice, Johnne, erle of Montroise, lord Grahame, Alexander, erle of Glencarne, lord Kilmawres, Williame, lord Ruthven, thesaurar, Johnne, lord Glammis, Patrik, lord Lindesay of the Byris, Robert, lord Simpill, Robert, lord Boyd, Adam, bischope of Orknay, commendatar of Halyruidhouse, Robert, commendatar of Dunfermeling, secretar, James, commendatar of Sanct Colme, David, commendatar of Dryburgh, Sir Johnne Bellendene of Auchnoule, knycht, [...] of justiciarie, and Maister James MacGill of Rankelour Nether, clerk of registrie, to quhome ony foure, thre [...] of thame, oure soverane lord, with avise of his rycht traist [...] Johnne, erle of Mar, lord Erskin etc., now regent to his [...], his realme and liegis, and als with avise of the thre est[...] haill body of this present parliament, gevis full power [...] to convene, treat and conclude with commissionaris or [...] quhatsumevir of the quenis majestie of England at [...] dayis and places to the effect abonewryttin, and [...] the tytill of the croune of this realme, the said lo[...] and haill estaittis will nawise condisend to [...], to common or enter in questioune thairupoune.3

  1. NAS, PA2/11, pp.115-16.
  2. This item is not included in The Actis of King James the Sext, printed by R. Lekprevick (St Andrews, 1573). Gaps in text due to damage to manuscript.
  3. Fragmentary folio, unclear whether this is the end of the act or of the material relating to August 1571.