Anent kirkmen that happinis to be sl[...] service, in defence of his hienes au[...]

2Item, oure soverane lord, with avise of my said lord regentis [...] and haill body of this present parliament, hes statute [...] in caise ony oure soverane lordis trew liegis, beneficit men, happ[...] hurt, slane or woundit to the deid, and thaireftir of the saidis hurt[...] to de in oure soverane lordis service and in defenc[...] his auctoritie at ony tyme aganis the foralfit and declarit [...] presentlie being within the castell and burgh of Edinburgh and utheris, [...] oppin and manifest ennemeis, resistaris and conspiratouris aganis [...] auctoritie, during all the tyme of the oppin and manifest resistence th[...], that the narrest of the said beneficit mennis kin, able and qualifiit, sall haif the presentatioune, provisioune and collatioune of his benefice for that tyme alanerlie, and the samin tobe disponit to the narrest of his kin that happinis to be slane or deceis in maner foirsaid, being alwais able and qualifiit thairfoir as said is; and the proffittis of thair benefices, with the fructes specialie on the grund, with the annual rent, thaireftir to pertene to thame and thair executouris, alsweill abbottis, priouris as all uther kirkmen.

  1. NAS, PA2/11, p.113.
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to the manuscript.