Procedure: recommendation in favour of Master John Wood
Mr Johnne Wod

The quhilk day, in presence of my lord regentis grace, the lordis of secreit counsall and utheris of the nobilitie and estaittis abonewrittin, Maister Johnne Wod, ane of the senatouris of our soverane lordis college of justice, having exponit and declarit the forme of his procedingis and negociatioun with the quenis majestie of England and hir counsall, according to the directionis and instructionis gevin and send him be my lord regentis grace continewalie sen the said Maister Johnne wes first employit in that charge and service to the day and dait heirof, my lord regentis grace, with avise of the saidis lordis of secreit counsall and utheris of the nobilitie and estaittis abonespecifiit, eftir gude avisement and dew consideratioun of the circumstances of the saidis procedingis and negociatioun, findis and declaris that the said Maister Johnne hes trewlie, honestlie and diligentlie performit and dischargeit his charge and devoir in the materis committit to his credit, and exonerit him thairof; and ordanit ane note and act to be maid of thair said declaratioun ad perpetuam rei memoriam.

  1. NAS, PC1/5, 146.