Mr Johnne Woddis report of the procedingis in England

The quhilk day, in presence of my lord regentis grace, the lordis of secreit counsall and utheris of the nobilitie and estaittis abonespecifiit, Maister Johnne Wod, ane of the senatouris of oure soverane lordis college of justice, reportit his proceedingis and negociatioun with the quenis majestie and counsall of England, and in speciall declarit hir hienes creditt committit to him according to the notes thairof writtin with the hand of hir majesteis secretary, quhairin ar contenit thre degreis that ar discoursit on be sum for ane accord to be maid of all contraversiis betuix the king our soverane, on the ane part, and the quene his moder on the uther, of the quhilkis degreis thir ar the wordis:

  1. NAS, PC1/5, 144.