The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 14 September 2024
Procedure: commission for pursuit of the earl of Huntly
Commissioun for resisting and persute of the erll of Huntlie
The quhilk day, in presens of my lord regentis grace and lordis of secreit counsale, comperit Johnne, erll of Atholl, lord of Balvany; Robert, erll of Buchane; Williame, maister of Marschell; Andro, maister of Errole; Alexander, lord Saltoun; Johnne, lord Glammis; Johnne, lord Innermeyth; Laurence, lord Oliphant; Sir Johnne Wischert of Pittarro, knycht; Maister James Haliebutoun, provest of Dunde; Williame Leslie of Balquhane; Alexander Forbes of Petsligo; Arthur Forbes of Balfour; Johnne Ogilvy of Innerquharitie; Alexander Banerman of Wattirtoun; Johnne Caddell of Aslowne; Williame Cumming of Innerallochty; Johnne Forbes of Towy; Peter Hay of Melginche; and Alexander Blair of Bathiok; and exponit and declarit how thai had continewit faythfull and obedient subjectis to our soverane lord and his authoritie, for the quhilk caus thai, thair landis, rowmes and possessionis wer and ar in utter perrell and dangeir to be invaidit and persewit with fyre, swerd and all uther kynd of hostilitie be George, erll of Huntlie, his assistaris and complices, rebellious and dissobedient subjectis agains our soverane lord and his authoritie foirsaid, requirand thairfoir remedy to be providit. My lord regentis grace, with avise of the lordis of secreit counsale, in our soverane lordis name and authoritie, gevis, grantis and committis full power, authoritie, speciall mandment, expres bidding and charge to the personis abonewrittin, and everie ane of thame, to convocat thameselffis, thair kin, freindis, assistaris and partakeris in weirlyke maner, and to resist, defend and ganestand the persute, invasioun and just violence of the said erll of Huntlie, his complices, partakaris and all utheris withstandaris of oure soverane lordis authoritie; or, gif neid beis, to persew thame, assege thair houssis, raise fyre and use all kynd of weirlyke ingyne, for the quhilk the saidis personis, nor nane utheris our soverane lordis liegis assistand thame, sall incur na skayth nor dangeir in thair personis, landis, or gudis, nor sall nocht be callit or accusit for the same criminalie nor civilie be ony maner of way in tyme cuming, nochtwithstanding ony lawis, actis, ordinances or chargeis in the contrair or ony panis contenit thairin, anent the quhilk my lord regentis grace, in our soverane lordis name, dispensis be this present act, dischargeing thame simpliciter of the same in tyme cuming; this present commissioun during the will of our soverane lord and his regent foirsaid to induir.
- NAS, PC1/5, 104-5.