The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 14 January 2025
Ratification in favour of [Hugh Campbell], lord Loudoun of his infeftment of Kylesmuir etc.
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm the act of dissolution made in his highness's parliament held at the burgh of Perth, 9 July 1606, dissolving all and whole the lands, lordship and baronies of Kylesmuir and Barmuir, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, mills, woods, fishings, annexes, connexes, dependencies, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants thereof and all their pertinents lying within the bailiary of Kylestewart and sheriffdom of Ayr from the act of annexation made at Edinburgh, 29 July 1587, regarding the annexation of the temporality of all benefices within this realm to the patrimony of his highness's crown; and also dissolving the parish kirk of Mauchline, parsonage and vicarage thereof, lying as said is, with the whole teinds, fruits, rents, revenues and emoluments pertaining thereto from the abbacy or monastery of Melrose to the effect mentioned in the said act of parliament, together with the charter passed under his highness's great seal made and granted by his majesty, with advice and consent of the late Master John Preston of Penicuik, collector general and treasurer of his highness's new augmentations for the time, to his highness's right trusty cousin Hugh, lord Loudoun and his male heirs therein specified, of all and whole the said lands, lordship and baronies of Kylesmuir and Barmuir, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, mills, woods, fishings, annexes, connexes, dependencies, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants thereof and all their pertinents lying as said is, with all and sundry teind sheaves, other teinds, as well parsonage as vicarage, fruits, rents, emoluments and duties whatsoever of the said parish kirk of Mauchline lying as said is, containing also an erection of the town of Mauchline in a free burgh of barony, with the precept and instrument of sasine following upon the said charter, which charter is dated at Greenwich, 30 June 1608, in all and sundry heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances whatsoever therein contained after the forms and tenors thereof, with the whole liberties and privileges therein contained; and declare this present ratification to be as valid, effectual and sufficient in all respects as if the said acts of parliament, charter, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon were at length inserted in this present act, dispensing with the not inserting thereof herein by this ratification for ever. And likewise find, decree and declare that the aforesaid lands, lordship and baronies of Kylesmuir and Barmuir, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, mills, woods, fishings, annexes, connexes, dependencies, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants thereof and all their pertinents lying as said is, with the said parish kirk of Mauchline, parsonage and vicarage thereof, and whole fruits, rents, revenues, emoluments and duties whatsoever pertaining thereto, as lawfully dissolved from the said act of annexation and abbacy of Melrose by virtue of the said act of dissolution made in the aforesaid parliament held at Perth, the said 9 [July] 1606; and that our said sovereign lord, with advice and consent aforesaid, has lawfully given, granted and conveyed to the said Hugh, lord Loudoun and his foresaids all and whole the said lands, lordship and baronies of Kylesmuir and Barmuir, with the castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, mills, woods, fishings, annexes, connexes, dependencies, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants thereof and all their pertinents lying as said is, with the aforesaid parish kirk of Mauchline, parsonage and vicarage thereof, with the whole fruits, rents, revenues, emoluments and duties whatsoever pertaining thereto in manner expressed in the aforesaid charter; and that the act of dissolution (if any be made in this present parliament or that shall happen to be made in any parliament hereafter) to and in favour of Thomas [Hamilton], earl of Melrose, lord Binning etc., or of whatsoever person or persons, dissolving the lordship of Melrose with all other lordships, baronies and kirks of old pertaining to the said abbacy and monastery of Melrose from the said act of annexation and from the said abbacy and monastery of Melrose, nor the infeftments already made, nor to be made to the said Thomas, earl of Melrose, nor whatsoever other person or persons thereupon, are not nor shall in any way be hurtful nor prejudicial to the said Hugh, lord Loudoun, his heirs, successors nor assignees, nor to their rights and heritable infeftments made and granted to them by our said sovereign lord in manner before rehearsed of the said lands, lordship and baronies of Kylesmuir and Barmuir, parish kirk of Mauchline, parsonage and vicarage thereof, nor to any part of the same; and that the said acts of dissolution made or to be made of the remaining lands, lordship and others aforesaid which pertained of old to the said abbacy and monastery of Melrose in favour of the said Thomas, earl of Melrose, or of whatsoever other person or persons, are not nor shall in any way be hurtful nor prejudicial to the rights and securities made in favour of the said Hugh, lord Loudoun and his foresaids of the said lands, lordship and baronies of Kylesmuir and Barmuir, parish kirk of Mauchline, parsonage and vicarage thereof, nor any part of the same.
- NAS, PA2/20, f.64r-65r.