Ratification to Master William Oliphant [of Newton]

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the infeftment made and granted by Sir Richard Cockburn, younger, of Clerkington, knight, lord keeper of his highness's privy seal and one of the senators of his highness's college of justice for the kingdom of Scotland, with express consent and assent of Dame Margaret Cockburn, his spouse, to and in favour of his highness's trusty and well-beloved familiar clerk and councillor Sir William Oliphant of Newton, knight, his highness's advocate, another of the senators of the said college of justice, in liferent for all the days of his lifetime, and to his majesty's beloved Master William Oliphant, his second lawful son, his male heirs and assignees whatsoever in fee heritably and irredeemably without any reversion, redemption, regress, bond, promise or condition of reversion or redemption whatsoever of all and whole the said Sir Richard's lands of Kirkhill, with the manor place, houses, buildings, yards, parts, pendicles and pertinents of the same whatsoever lying within the parish of Strathbrock and sheriffdom of Linlithgow, to be held of our said sovereign lord and his successors, now superiors of the said lands, in stead and place of the dean of the college kirk of Restalrig and prebendars of the same, sometime superiors of the same by virtue of the act of annexation of the kirklands to the crown, in feu ferm for payment of the feu duties therein contained, of the date at Edinburgh, 31 July, the year of God 1614, with our said sovereign lord's confirmation following thereupon and new gift therein contained, of the date at Edinburgh, 19 October, the year of God 1614; together with the charter made and granted by his majesty under his highness's great seal, with consent of his highness's treasurer depute and of the remaining lords of his highness's secret council of the kingdom of Scotland, his majesty's commissioners, to the said Master William Oliphant, his male heirs and assignees whatsoever heritably, of all and whole that half of the lands and barony of Strathbrock with the half mill thereof, advocation and donation of the kirk and chaplainry of Strathbrock alternative, with tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants and pertinents of the same lying within the sheriffdom of Linlithgow, which pertained of before to Laurence [Oliphant], lord Oliphant, proceeding upon the resignation of the said Laurence, lord Oliphant, with the new gift and disposition therein contained, to be held of his majesty and his successors, of the date at Edinburgh, 3 November, the year of God 1614, together with the precepts and instruments of sasine following upon the said infeftments respectively, in all and sundry points, passes, heads, articles, clauses and conditions whatsoever therein contained after the forms and tenors thereof. Likewise his majesty and estates foresaid will, grant, decree and declare that this present ratification is and shall be as valid and sufficient in all respects as if the said infeftments respectively, precepts and instruments of sasine respectively were at length inserted herein word for word.

  1. NAS, PA2/19, f.40r.