Ratification of John Auchmuty's renunciation of his right of the castle of St Andrews

Forasmuch as our sovereign lord did convey the heritable keeping of the castle of St Andrews, with diverse lands, rents, mails, ferms, kanes and customs, out of his property and patrimony as the fee of the same to the late George [Home], earl of Dunbar, at such time as [George Gledstanes], archbishop of St Andrews, not being restored to his due place and estate, was unable by himself or his deputes to provide for the false keeping of the said castle, being a strength of high importance to the estate and one of the keys of the country, or to furnish maintenance to those who should have the trust and charge of the keeping thereof; likewise the said late earl did heritably alienate and convey to John Auchmuty, one of the grooms of his majesty's bedchamber, and his heirs, the heritable keeping of the said castle of St Andrews with all lands, rents, mails, ferms, kanes, customs and fees conveyed or in any way belonging to him for keeping thereof, to be held of the said earl and his heirs, by virtue whereof the said John Auchmuty obtained possession of the said castle and continued therein until of late that his majesty, willing to restore the said archbishop and his successors to the full integrity and possession of their own right and to redeem and recover that part of his proper lands, rents and patrimony which was assigned as heritable fee for keeping of the said castle, did by real payment of great sums of money obtain the said John Auchmuty's ample and lawful renunciation of the said castle of St Andrews in favour and to the benefit of the said archbishop and his successors, and of the heritable fee thereof to the effect, profit and benefit of his majesty, his heirs and successors, as the said John Auchmuty's renunciation, disposition, bond and security made relating thereto and registered in the books of council upon the [...] day of [...] at length purport; therefore the king's majesty and estates of parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm the said John Auchmuty's renunciation, bond and security made by him to his majesty for himself and to the benefit of the said archbishop, and ordain the same to take effect in all time coming, and decree and declare the true and undoubted right and possession of the said castle of St Andrews to belong and appertain to the right reverend father in God, George, archbishop of St Andrews and his successors, and the undoubted right, title and security and possession of his majesty's lands, rents, mails, ferms, kanes, customs and duties whatsoever in any way given and conveyed to the said late George, earl of Dunbar and his heirs as fee for keeping of the said castle to appertain and belong to his majesty, his heirs and successors, to remain with them as their property and patrimony in all time coming, notwithstanding any bond, contract, infeftment, act of parliament, right, title or security whatsoever made or granted relating thereto, or for ratification or corroboration of the same, which his majesty and estates foresaid retreat, rescind, cass and annul, and decree and declare the same to be now and in all time coming null and of no value, force and effect with all that may follow thereupon.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.13r.