Ratification in favour of Patrick Maule of Panmure

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the infeftment of the date 7 March 1610, made and granted by his highness to Patrick Maule of Panmure, one of the grooms of his majesty's bedchamber, his male heirs and assignees therein mentioned, of all and whole the lands and barony of Panmure, containing all and sundry the particular towns, lands and others at length specified and contained in the said charter, together with all and sundry the erections, privileges and liberties mentioned and inserted in the said charter and infeftment, in all and sundry points, heads, articles and clauses thereof; and also ratify and approve the tack and assedation under form of bond and obligation of the date 29 July 1607, made and granted by James [Hamilton], marquis of Hamilton, as principal, and James [Hamilton], earl of Abercorn, as cautioner for him, to the said Patrick Maule, his heirs and assignees therein specified, of all and whole the teind sheaves of all and whole the lands of Panmure, with parts, pendicles and pertinents thereof and others at length mentioned and expressed in the said tack and assedation, lying within the sheriffdom of Forfar, for all the days, space, years and terms of three liferents and thrice 19 years thereafter, for yearly payment of a certain yearly duty at length specified and contained in the said tack and assedation, in all and sundry points, passages, heads, articles, clauses and circumstances thereof, without prejudice always to Sir David Carnegie of Kinnaird, knight, of whatsoever right competent to him to any of the lands and others contained in the foresaid infeftment and above-specified obligation, according to the law.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.11v.