Ratification in favour of Sir Gideon Murray of Elibank, knight

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm the letters of gift granted by his majesty, with advice and consent of his highness's late right trusty cousin and councillor George [Home], earl of Dunbar, lord Home of Berwick, his highness's treasurer, and the late James Hay of Kingask, knight, his highness's comptroller for the time, to his majesty's trusty and well-beloved councillor Sir Gideon Murray of Elibank, knight, during all the days of his lifetime, of all and whole a yearly pension of the sum of £1,200 money of this realm of Scotland, to be paid to him yearly at two terms in the year, Whitsunday [May/June] and Martinmas [11 November] in winter, by equal portions, in manner following, namely: the sum of £600 out of the first and readiest payment of his majesty's casualties of the said kingdom by his highness's treasurer present and being for the time, and the sum of £600 out of the first and readiest payment of his highness's proper rent of the said kingdom by his highness's comptrollers present and being for the time, as the said letters of gift under the privy seal of the date at Whitehall, 20 February 1610 at more length bear, in all and sundry points, passages, heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances whatsoever therein contained, after the form and tenor thereof, with all that has followed or may follow thereupon. Likewise his majesty and estates foresaid statute, decree and ordain that the foresaid letters of gift, and this present ratification thereof, shall be a sufficient, lawful and valid right to the said Sir Gideon Murray for possessing and enjoying of the foresaid yearly pension at his pleasure during the said space of his lifetime, notwithstanding whatsoever acts of parliament, other acts, laws, statutes and constitutions of this realm made of before, whereby the foresaid letters of gift may be quarrelled or impugned, directly or indirectly, in any time hereafter, to the which acts made of before this ratification shall make express derogation.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.10r-v.