Regarding the making of iron with wood

Forasmuch as it has pleased God to discover certain veins of rich metal within this kingdom, as also certain woods in the highlands, which woods by reason of the savageness of the inhabitants thereabouts were either unknown or at the least unprofitable and unused; and now the estates presently convened, being informed that some persons, upon advantage of the present general obedience in those parts, would erect iron mills in the same parts to the utter wanting and consuming of the said woods, which might be reserved for many better uses and upon more choice and profitable metals, for the honour, benefit and estimation of the kingdom, therefore the estates presently convened statute and ordain and therewith command, charge and inhibit all and sundry his majesty's lieges and subjects that none of them presume nor take upon hand to work and make any iron with wood or timber under the pain of confiscation of the whole iron that shall be made with the said timber to his majesty's use; and ordain publication to be made hereof by open proclamation at all places needful, through which none pretend ignorance of the same.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 382.