Act in favour of the burgh of Crail

14. Our sovereign lord, with advice of the estates and whole body of this present parliament, ratifies, approves and perpetually confirms the ancient liberties, freedoms and privileges made and granted by our sovereign lord or any of his highness's predecessors to, and in favour of, the burgh of Crail, bailies, council, burgesses, community and inhabitants of the same burgh of Crail; and forasmuch as the ordinary weekly market day given to the said town of Crail of old was appointed to be a Sunday, which now is abrogated and discharged by acts of parliament and laws of this realm, therefore, in place thereof, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid have nominated, given, granted and confirmed to the said burgh of Crail in all time coming an ordinary weekly market day, to be kept and held therein weekly on Friday. And also in consideration that the ordinary fair yearly held within the said burgh of Crail and granted thereto of old was held and kept upon 14 September, called Rudday,2 which fair, in respect of the harvest, was in effect unprofitable to the said burgh, his majesty and estates foresaid have therefore of new given, granted and perpetually confirmed to the said burgh in all time hereafter full power, privilege and liberty of another free fair to be held and begun yearly within the said burgh of Crail upon 10 March and to endure for the space of eight days next thereafter, together with all customs, immunities, privileges, profits, casualties and duties pertaining to a free fair to be proclaimed, kept and defended by the magistrates, burgesses and inhabitants of the said burgh, likewise and as freely in all respects as any other burghs are and have been in use to do in like cases; and ordain letters of publication to be directed hereupon if need be in the appropriate form.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.8v-9r.
  2. Also known as the feast day of the Exaltation of the Cross.