Procedure: commission to the lords of session
2Commission to the lords of session to decide the action of reduction of the forfeiture of James Wood, apparent heir of Bonnyton

The which day the estates of parliament have given and granted and, by the tenor hereof, give and grant full power and commission to the lords of our sovereign lord's council and session to examine, decide and discuss the summons, action and cause of reduction produced before the said estates and read in their presence intended and pursued before them by David Wood, brother-german to the late James Wood, eldest lawful son to Patrick Wood of Bonnyton, and apparent male heir to succeed to the said late James Wood, his lands and heritage, and Nicolas3 Wood, daughter and apparent heir of line to the said late James, against Sir Thomas Hamilton of Monkland, knight, advocate to our sovereign lord, Archibald [Campbell], earl of Argyll and justice general, Master William Heart, his depute, Sir John Cockburn of Ormiston, knight, justice clerk, Master Patrick Bannatyne, his depute, Harry Wood, son lawful to the said Patrick Wood of Bonnyton, and the said Patrick Wood of Bonnyton, for himself and as father, lawful administrator and guider to the said Harry Wood, and all others of his tutors and curators, if he has any, for their interest, John Arnott, treasurer to our sovereign lord, Sir David Murray of Gospertie, knight, his highness's comptroller, touching the production and reduction of the process, criminal sentence and doom of forfeiture led and deduced against the said late James Wood, and all other actions consequent and depending thereupon, and ordains the said lords of council and session to proceed and do justice therein to the final end and decision thereof likewise and in the same manner as the said estates of parliament might have done themselves.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.44v.
  2. '6 P' written in margin beside heading.
  3. Sic.