Against handguns and pistols

Our sovereign lord, abhorring and detesting the using and bearing of handguns, hackbuts, pistols and other fire work which in all time bygone has been the occasion of sundry wild murders and slaughters, the same being prohibited and forbidden by so many good and loveable acts of parliament and council made heretofore, and that his highness's just hatred borne by him against the contraveners of the said acts may better appear, his majesty, in presence of the estates presently convened, faithfully promised to cause put all the said acts made regarding the prohibition of the wearing of the said fire work to due execution with all rigour. Likewise the whole noblemen present upon their honours then promised, every one for their own parts, to reform their own households and also so many of them that had any jurisdiction promised to see the same acts executed within the bounds of the same with all severity against the transgressors thereof, and to assist all other judges whatsoever who shall require their concurrence relating thereto. It is thus subscribed, James Rex.

  1. NAS, PA8/1, f.5v-6r.