Act to set tacks of the teind sheaves of the priory of St Andrews2

Our sovereign lord and three estates of this present parliament, understanding that the patrimony of the priory of St Andrews for the most part is so dilapidated and exhausted by the giving and granting of pensions out of the same for many years and diverse liferents to endure, so that little of the said patrimony remains with his highness's dearest cousin Ludovic [Stewart], duke of Lennox, commendator of the said priory; and seeing greater profit and commodity will rebound to the said Lord Duke of Lennox, commendator foresaid, by setting of the said pensions or any part thereof to such person or persons as he shall think expedient for payment to him and his successors of a reasonable yearly duty of victual and money, therefore our sovereign lord and estates foresaid, having consideration of the welfare and utility of his highness's dearest cousin and his successors of the said priory, give and grant to the said Ludovic, duke of Lennox, commendator foresaid, full power, licence and liberty to set in tack and assedation the teind sheaves of the said priory to such person or persons as he shall think expedient for so many years as may stand of the law and custom of this realm and for payment of a reasonable duty of victual and money yearly thereof to him and his successors likewise and as freely as his predecessors, commendators of the said priory, might have done at any time bygone, notwithstanding the act of parliament made at Linlithgow 1585 or whatsoever acts of parliament made in the contrary to the which this present act makes derogation.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.79r.
  2. The rest of the mss text from 'Act' in this title onwards reverts back to the scratchy hand.