Act regarding the customs and bullion etc.

The king's majesty, with advice of his nobility, council and estates presently convened, has given and granted and by this act gives and grants his highness's full power and commission, express bidding and charge to his trusty and well-beloved Walter [Stewart], commendator of Blantyre, his highness's treasurer, Master John Lindsay of Balcarres, his majesty's secretary, Sir Robert Melville of Murdocairnie, knight, Sir John Cockburn of Ormiston, knight, justice clerk, Master Thomas Hamilton of Drumcairnie, advocate, Mark [Kerr], lord Newbattle, Master John Preston of Fenton Barns, Master Edward Bruce, commendator of Kinloss, Master James Elphinstone of Barnton,2 Master John Skene [of Curriehill], clerk register, Master David Carnegie of Colluthie [and Kinnaird], Sir Archibald Napier of Edinbellie, knight, Master George Young, archdean of St Andrews, Thomas Acheson, Thomas Foulis, or any seven of them jointly, to convene and meet within the burgh of Edinburgh upon 1 April next to come, with certain commissioners of the principal burghs of this realm, and there to treat, confer, agree and conclude regarding the payment to his majesty of the custom of all goods as well as to be transported out of this realm as which shall be imported within the same hereafter; as also regarding the import of bullion for the furnishing of his highness's mint-house for the said goods and all other wares and merchandise which shall also be transported out of this realm or imported within the same to the time of his highness's next parliament only. The same agreement and conclusion to set down and put in form and the same to report to his majesty and his estates in the said parliament to be seen and considered by them, that, if it be found fit and convenient to be observed and followed out, they may give their ratification and approbation thereto and ordain the same to have full force, effect and execution as a law at all time thereafter. For which purpose, his majesty shall not only by himself consent to the said ratification, but also shall deal and procure so far as in him lies to have the same consent and approbation thereof by the said estates; and in the meantime, until the said parliament, his majesty, with advice of his said estates, grants licence to whatsoever merchants, owners of the said goods, to transport the same goods out of this realm, they finding caution to the customs officers of the burghs and ports from where the same goods shall be shipped to pay whatsoever sums of money in name of custom as shall be agreed upon for the said goods immediately after the same agreement shall take effect. Be it always understood that in case the said commissioners of burghs shall not convene at the time foresaid, or being convened, the tenor and effect of this act in their default shall be frustrated, delayed and not take effect nor execution before 1 May next to come, that then and in that case all former acts and ordinances made regarding the uplifting of the said customs in that form prescribed therein shall take effect and be put to full and perfect execution thereafter without contradiction etc.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 521.
  2. Also known as 'of Invernochty' and parson of Eaglesham.