Act against false coiners

The which day the king's majesty, with advice of his nobility, council and estates presently convened, has decreed, declared and ordained and by this act decrees, declares and ordains that all and whatsoever persons, forgers, falsifiers, smelters, counterfeiters and concealers of false and debased money, outputters and exchangers of the same amongst his highness's lieges, shall be called, taken, apprehended, pursued and punished according to the laws of this realm at all such times as his majesty shall think fit and expedient, and that no remissions given for one kind of money falsely coined shall be extended to remit or pardon any persons guilty of other kinds of money likewise falsely coined and yet not contained in the same remissions, but that they may be pursued and punished thereof according to the said laws, or for any crime or offence committed by them touching the said coin, over and above that which is specified in the same remissions, notwithstanding thereof, or any general clause therein contained, as if the same had never been granted.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 452.