Ratification to David Scrimgeour of Fordie

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of this present parliament, has ratified, approved and confirmed and by the tenor hereof ratifies, approves and confirms the infeftment of feu ferm, location and disposition therein contained, made and granted by his highness after his perfect age of 25 years complete and revocation general, with advice and consent of his highness's ordinary officers of state, to his highness's beloved David Scrimgeour of Fordie and to his male heirs bearing the surname and arms of Scrimgeour and assignees whatsoever heritably of all and whole the town and lands of Fordie, with mill, multures, parts and pendicles thereof and all their pertinents lying within the parish of Caputh, lordship of Dunkeld and sheriffdom of Perth, together with the advocation, donation and gift of patronage of the chaplainry and alterage of St Roch lying beside the Cowgate port of the burgh of Dundee and sheriffdom of Forfar, with all lands, tenements and annualrents pertaining to the said chaplainry wherever the same lies within this realm, united and annexed in a whole and free tenancy to be called the tenancy of Fordie, and containing a new disposition with supplement of all default to be held of our said sovereign lord and his highness's successors in feu ferm and heritage for payment of certain feu mail specified and contained in his highness's feu charter and infeftment made to the said David and his foresaids thereupon, as the same passed under his highness's great seal of the date at Edinburgh, 15 August the year of God 1592 at more length purports. Which feu charter and infeftment, location and disposition therein contained and sasine following thereupon our said sovereign lord and the estates of parliament ratify, approve and confirm in all the heads, articles and clauses thereof, and consents and declares that this present ratification shall be as good and sufficient to that effect as if the said whole infeftment were at length registered and contained hereto, notwithstanding the non-inserting thereof; concerning which, his highness, for himself and his successors, dispenses in that part by this charter for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.55v.