Act in favour of the burgh of Linlithgow

Our sovereign lord, with the advice and consent of his highness's estates of this present parliament, and for his highness and his successors, ratifies and approves the charter of confirmation made and granted by his highness in his minority and after his general revocation upon 24 May the year of God 1593 of two old infeftments granted of old by his highness's predecessors to the burgh of Linlithgow, whereof the one is made of the said burgh with the small customs and port of Blackness, the other of the free customing of certain wares without any duty to be paid thereof, as the said charter of confirmation in the self at more length bears; in the which our said sovereign lord has of new conveyed to the said burgh the said port of Blackness, with the small customs and liberties, commodities, privileges, dignities and immunities whatsoever pertaining to the said burgh, as the provost, bailies, council and community thereof and their predecessors have occupied and possessed of before, as is particularly expressed in the said charter, and declares the said charter of confirmation, with the whole points, passes, articles and clauses respectively contained therein, to be a perpetual right and security to the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh and their successors in all time coming, and that this present act of ratification be as valid and sufficient as if the particular heads and clauses of the said charter had been expressed and set down therein.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.45v-46r.