Regarding the kirk of Crail

Our sovereign lord and his estates in parliament have ratified and approved and by the tenor hereof ratify and approve the dissolution of the parish kirk of Crail, parsonage and vicarage thereof, from the abbey and monastery of Haddington and the division of the fruits thereof in three parts and portions: the first part to the minister that shall serve the cure at the said parish kirk of Crail, who shall be called the parson thereof; the second part of the fruits of the said kirk annexed to the new college, called the pedagogue situated within the city of St Andrews, for sustentation within the said college of certain bursars, students of theology; and the third part of the said fruits annexed to the college newly founded within the burgh of Edinburgh for sustaining within the same of certain bursars, students of philosophy, as at more length is contained in the said dissolution and annexation. In the which it is specially provided that James [Lindsay], lord Lindsay [of the Byres] is constituted heritable patron of the said parsonage and bursaries, likewise at more length is contained in our sovereign lord's charter issued under his great seal thereupon. And further, our said sovereign lord and his said estates of new dissolve the said parish kirk of Crail, whole fruits of the same, parsonage and vicarage thereof from the said abbey of Haddington for ever and has ordained and ordain the whole fruits, profits and emoluments thereof to be divided in manner above-rehearsed, as is particularly contained in the said charter; which charter his highness and estates ordain to be inserted and registered in the books of parliament, if need be, to remain for future memory of this act.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.42r-42v.