Committee members: privy council
Certain noblemen and others nominated to be of the privy council until the parliament

The which day the king's majesty, with advice of his nobility, council and estates presently convened, has nominated and appointed and by this commission nominates and appoints the persons underwritten to be of his highness's ordinary privy council until the next parliament or convention general of his estates, they are to say Ludovic [Stewart], duke of Lennox, John [Hamilton], lord Hamilton, George [Keith], earl Marischal, John [Erskine], earl of Mar, William [Douglas], earl of Morton, John [Graham], earl of Montrose, Alexander [Livingston], lord Livingston, Robert [Seton], lord Seton, James [Lindsay], lord Lindsay of the Byres, John [Forbes], lord Forbes, Alexander [Colville], commendator of Culross, Adam [Erskine], commendator of Cambuskenneth, Master George Lauder of the Bass, Master David Carnegie of Colluthie [and Kinnaird], William Stewart of Traquair, Sir James Melville of Halhill, George Home of Wedderburn, Sir John Carmichael of that Ilk, knight, and Alexander Home of North Berwick, with the ordinary officers of his estate. Which persons, or so many of them as shall happen to be present, shall convene weekly upon the ordinary days or more often as the necessity shall require, and decide and conclude in all matters concerning his majesty, the common affairs of the realm and lieges thereof, according to the form and order set down in his highness's last act of parliament made relating thereto. Likewise his majesty promises to use and follow their counsel and to hold hand to the execution of whatsoever thing shall be concluded and determined in this case by them tending to the surety of his majesty's person and estate, advancement of his highness's profit, punishment of malefactors and quietness of the country without alteration in any point. Be it always understood that all noblemen and others expressed in the said act of parliament are in no way secluded but admitted to have access, place and vote in council when they shall happen to be present or shall please to repair thereto.

  1. NAS, PC1/15, 268.