2Act in favour of Master Patrick Galloway and John Duncanson, ministers, regarding the temporality of Dunblane

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and confirm the letter, gift and disposition made and granted by his majesty, with advice and consent of his highness's chancellor, treasurer and collector general, giving, granting and conveying to his highness's daily orators John Duncanson and Master Patrick Galloway, his grace's ministers, in yearly pension for all the days of their lifetimes, all and whole the feu ferms, feu mails, kanes, customs, annualrents, services, arriages, carriages and other duties whatsoever of the lands of the temporality of the bishopric of Dunblane after-specified: namely, of the lands of Glencorkie, Bello, annualrent of Pitborough, Clevage, Sindall, Dergall, Ledmachany, Mylne of Nes, Drumlatochie, Glassingulbeg, Glenquhany, Corsklapleis easter and wester, annualrents of the town of Dunblane, customs thereof and of the fairs of the same, Ardoch, Over and Nether Brigend, Ramnyle, Mill of Dunblane, Cromlix, Auchanleyis, Blew, Buttergask, Easter Buttergask, Barbus, Lythell, Tanroquhan, Craginquhillot, Thomerclay, Easter Drummaquhense, Middle Drummaquhense, Benebrig, Ward of Muthill, Ganyeochin, Brotoche, Keirprone, Cluthybeg, Damskeir, Cragarnall, Auchinbie, annualrents of Easter Culingis and of Easter Eglismagirdell, Dunstoun alias Thomercany or Sancutholme, and of Lundies, of all and whatsoever lands and annualrents pertaining or that in any way is known to have pertained in time bygone to the temporality of the said bishopric, beginning the first year's payment of the said pension of the crop and year of God 1592, as at more length is contained in the said letter of gift under the privy seal of the date 1 November the year of God 1591 and of his highness's reign the 25th year. And also our sovereign lord and estates foresaid decree and declare that the said letter of gift and disposition with this present ratification and confirmation thereof shall be sufficient rights and titles to the said John Duncanson and Master Patrick Galloway for peaceably uplifting, holding and enjoying of all and whole the feu ferms, feu mails, kanes, customs, services, arriages, carriages and other duties whatsoever of the foresaid lands of the temporality of the said bishopric, and of whatsoever other lands and annualrents pertaining to the said temporality as said is, given and conveyed to them in manner above-written for all the days of the longer liver of the two successively after others, according to the said gift. As also wills and declares that the said ratification shall be as valuable and effectual as if the said letter of gift had been inserted and engrossed in word therein; concerning which, his majesty, with advice of the said estates, dispenses by this act, and ordains the clerk register and his deputes to form and extend an act of parliament hereupon in due and ample form as appropriate.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.21v-22r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.