2Ratification of the liberties and privileges of burghs

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and confirm all and sundry constitutions and acts of parliament made of before by our said sovereign lord and his predecessors and estates in parliament regarding the privileges, liberties, immunities, freedoms, gifts, infeftments of annualrents, lands and other commodities whatsoever made, given and granted by our said sovereign lord or his most noble progenitors in any times bygone to or in favour of burghs and communities thereof; as also of all other lands, annualrents and commodities founded to the sustentation of the ministry and hospitality within the same. And that this present act be of as sufficient force and strength in all respects to the said burghs, and every one thereof, the communities and inhabitants of the same and their successors, as if the said privileges, infeftments, foundations and others above-written were in this act specially expressed.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.17v-18r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.