2Act that no particular act of parliament shall prejudice the ministers in their livings

Our sovereign lord, with advice of the estates of this present parliament, having consideration how that the ministers provided to ecclesiastical functions and living of the kirk and serving the cure thereat have been and may be in time coming heavily prejudiced in their said ecclesiastical livings and rents thereof by special acts and constitutions made in favour of certain particular persons, for remedy thereof in time coming, have statute and ordained that whatsoever act or constitution of parliament in time coming after the date hereof be made in favour of any particular person whereby the provision of any minister's livings may be taken away, or in any way prejudiced, directly or indirectly in their said provisions, rents and profits thereof, or any part of the same, that the same shall be in all time coming null and of no value, force nor effect, unless the said ministers be called upon, their provision and the same in whole or in part reduced before the judge ordinary.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.10r.
  2. The letter 'V.' written in the margin.