Ratification to George Sinclair of May

2Our sovereign lord, now after his age of 25 years, with advice of the estates of this realm, ratifies, approves and, for his majesty and his successors, perpetually confirms the charter and infeftment made and granted by his majesty after his age foresaid to his majesty's beloved George Sinclair of May, his heirs and assignees whatsoever, of all and sundry the lands, baronies, offices, advocations, donations and rights of patronages of the parsonages and vicarages of the kirks and others presently underwritten, specified in the said infeftment under the great seal of the date at Holyroodhouse, 18 December 1591, passed by virtue of the resignation made by the said George in his highness's hands, in all and sundry points, passages, articles and clauses, immunities, privileges, liberties and circumstances whatsoever therein contained; and decrees and declares for his majesty and his successors foresaid that the same infeftment is, and shall be in all time coming, effectual, good, valid and sufficient to the said George Sinclair, his heirs and assignees foresaid for the peaceable possessing and enjoying of the foresaid lands, baronies and others mentioned below contained in the said infeftment, with all liberties and privileges specified in the same, perpetually and in all time coming according to the tenor and substance thereof in all points, notwithstanding his majesty's revocation made in this present parliament in any time heretofore, or any others of his highness's acts, statutes or constitutions, general or special, made to the prejudice or derogation thereof, or any of the liberties or privileges expressed in the same, under the which the said infeftment, nor any part thereof, shall never be comprehended by any manner of way; and also notwithstanding whatsoever other infeftments or securities made and granted by his majesty, or any other person or persons of the said lands, baronies or others above and after specified or any part thereof, in hurt and prejudice of the said George Sinclair, his heirs and assignees relating thereto; which his majesty, with advice foresaid, for his highness and his successors, expressly revokes, makes void and annuls by the tenor of this ratification, and decrees and declares the same to have been from the beginning and to be in all time coming null and of no value, force nor effect as if the same had never been made.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.90r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.