Ratification to Walter Scott of Tushielaw

2Forasmuch as our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament understand perfectly that Walter Scott of Tushielaw and his predecessors have been old and kindly possessors and feu rentalers past memory of man, of all and sundry the lands of Tushielaw, with the mill and multures of the same, the lands of Cowillaw and Gamescleuch, lying within the lordship of Ettrick Forest and sheriffdom of Selkirk, as the feu rentals authentically subscribed and made thereupon, shown and produced before the said estates of parliament, in themselves at more length purport; in consideration whereof, his highness, after his perfect age of 25 years, with advice of his majesty's trusty councillor and familiar servant David Seaton of Parbroath, his highness's comptroller, upon 8 March last, gave, granted, and in feu ferm set and conveyed heritably to the said Walter and his male heirs lawfully procreated or to be procreated of his body, which failing to his nearest male heirs and assignees whatsoever, all and sundry the foresaid towns and lands with the mill and multures of the same, together with the houses, buildings, yards, orchards, tofts, crofts, outsets, parts, pendicles, annexes, connexes, dependancies, with all their pertinents, lying as said is, to be held of our sovereign lord and his highness's successors in feu ferm and heritage, for payment of the feu mails mentioned in the said charter, as the same of the date foresaid, granted under the great seal, at more length bears. And to the end that the said Walter, his heirs and assignees foresaid may have the better security of the foresaid lands, mill and others above-specified in time coming, therefore, our said sovereign lord, with advice of the estates foresaid, by the tenor hereof, ratifies, approves and confirms the said feu charter and infeftment granted to the said Walter and his foresaids of the particular lands and others above-written in manner above-rehearsed in all and sundry heads, points, articles, clauses and conditions thereof, which his highness, with advice foresaid, holds as herein specially expressed. And further our said sovereign lord, with advice of the said estates, by the tenor of this ratification, revokes, makes void and annuls all and whatsoever other charters, precepts of sasine, instruments, gifts and dispositions made and granted by his highness himself, his regents or predecessors or any of them to whatsoever person or persons of the forenamed particular lands and others foresaid, or any part or particular town thereof; and declares and decrees the same from the beginning and to be in all time coming null and of no value, force nor effect with all that has followed, or may follow, thereupon.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.66r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.