Ratification to Gavin Hamilton of Raploch

2Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, having seen and considered the infeftment made by his majesty after his perfect age of 21 years to his beloved Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, his heirs and assignees, of all and whole the lands, annualrents and others underwritten: they are to say, of the forty shilling land of old extent of Cummer Head; the lands of Kittymuir Easter and Wester, and Cordlett, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark; the lands of Borneis, Kilbowies Easter and Wester, lying within the sheriffdom of Dunbarton; the five merk land of Granis, lying within the bailiary of Cunninghame and sheriffdom of Renfrew; the lands of Potie with mill and pertinents of the same, lying within the regality of St Andrews and stewartry of Strathearn; the lands of the two Collennoquheis and Holton and Casseldewglie, with the mill thereof, lying within the sheriffdom of Kinross-shire, with all and sundry parts, pendicles and pertinents; and also of all and whole an annualrent of 16 bolls of meal, four bolls of barley, 198 stones of cheese, seven heifers, to be paid yearly by the possessors of the lands of Auchintibber, Overland, Auchenmade, with the pertinents, lying within the bailiary of Cunninghame and sheriffdom of Ayr; and also of all and whole Craigmilne with astricted multures with the pertinents, lying within the said bailiary as in the said infeftment at more length is contained. And therefore, our said sovereign lord and his said estates in parliament, for his highness and his successors, have confirmed, ratified and approved the said infeftment of all and sundry the lands, mills, annualrents and others particularly therein expressed to the said Gavin, his heirs and assignees foresaid; and decree and ordain the same to stand in full force, strength and effect to them in all points, heads, articles and clauses thereof according to the tenor of the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.65r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.