The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Ratification to James Boyd of Kipps
2Our sovereign lord and estates of this realm convened at this present parliament, considering that James Boyd of Kipps, for diverse great sums of money, had obtained heritably in feu ferm to him, his heirs and assignees, from the late James, archbishop of Glasgow for the time, all and whole that ruinous and waste tenement of land, back and fore, under and above, with the yard and pertinents thereof then pertaining to the bishops of Glasgow lying within the burgh of Edinburgh on the north side of the High Street thereof, between the tenement of land of the late David Kinloch of the west, the north loch or town wall of the said burgh on the north, the lands and tenement of the late James Henderson on the east, and the High Street of the said burgh on the south parts, to be held of the said late archbishop and his successors for the yearly payment of certain feu ferm and duty specified therein; which infeftment was duly confirmed by his majesty and, by virtue thereof, the said James in peaceable possession of the same; and that after the annexation of temporal lands to the patrimony of the crown and act of dissolution, permitting the same to be set in feu ferm by his majesty, the said James Boyd of Kipps, for his better security, purchased a new infeftment from his highness of the foresaid tenement and whole pertinents thereof, in lawful and due form according to the laws of the realm for the time, to be held of his majesty and his successors for the old feu duty thereof. Likewise also his majesty, in the month of July 1589, not only ratified the first infeftment, but also of new infeft and seised the said James, his heirs and assignees heritably in the same, as in the foresaid infeftments and sasines respectively following thereupon at more length is contained. Likewise also his majesty thereafter, in corroboration of the said James's right of the tenement above-specified, upon 2 August 1591, after his majesty's lawful age of 25 years complete, with the advice of the ordinary officers appointed for that effect, not only of new ratified, approved and confirmed the foresaid infeftments and sasines respectively following thereupon made and granted to the said James Boyd, his heirs and assignees above-mentioned, but also of new gave, granted and in feu ferm heritably conveyed to him and them all and whole the foresaid tenement, back and fore, under and above, with the yard and pertinents, as the infeftment granted thereupon at length bears. And now his majesty and estates foresaid, having due consideration of the premises and of the great sums of money paid and disbursed by the said James in obtaining of the said infeftments and also in the reparation of the said tenement, and being informed of the earnest affection that the said James has fully to repair and build up the foresaid whole waste and decayed tenement to the decoration and policy of the realm which merits an established right, therefore his highness, with advice of the estates of parliament, has ratified, approved and confirmed and, by the tenor hereof, for his majesty and his successors, ratifies, approves and perpetually confirms the foresaid infeftments respectively of the dates particularly above-written, or of whatsoever other date or dates they be of, in all and sundry points, passages, immunities, privileges, liberties, conditions and circumstances whatsoever contained therein; and decrees and declares that the said infeftments presently are, have been since the first granting thereof and shall be in all time coming, effectual, good, valid and sufficient in themselves to the said James Boyd of Kipps, his heirs and assignees, for the peaceable possessing and enjoying of the tenement and land above-written with the yard and pertinents of the same and every part thereof, with all liberties and privileges contained in the said infeftments perpetually and in all time coming according to the tenors thereof in all points, notwithstanding his majesty's revocation made in this present parliament, or any other laws, acts, statutes or constitutions of this realm made in the contrary and prejudice thereof, under the which the said infeftments nor any of them, nor anything therein contained shall never be comprehended by any manner of way. And further his majesty, with consent of the said estates, wills and grants and also declares, for his highness and his successors foresaid, that this present general ratification and approbation of the infeftments respectively above-written and sasines following thereupon shall be of as great strength, efficacy, force and effect in all respects and conditions as if the same were at length and word by word engrossed herein.
- NAS, PA2/14, ff.164v-165r.
- Written in margin: 'P'.