Ratification to Master Gilbert Moncrieff, doctor to his majesty

2Our sovereign lord, remembering that his majesty, upon a special, good consideration mentioned in the infeftment after-specified, with advice of Andrew Wood of Largo, his highness's comptroller for the time, in the month of January 1585 [1586], gave and conveyed heritably in feu ferm to his grace's beloved Master Gilbert Moncrieff, his highness's doctor, his heirs and assignees, all and whole the lands of Myreside and Bachilton, with their parts, pendicles and pertinents, lying in the lordship of Methven and sheriffdom of Perth, to be held of his majesty and his successors in feu ferm, for payment of certain yearly duty specified in the infeftment granted thereupon to the augmentation of his highness's rental; and also that his highness, respecting the particular cause mentioned in the said former infeftment in the month of July 1587, after his majesty's perfect age of 21 years complete and general revocation made in parliament, with advice of his grace's comptroller for the time, gave and conveyed in feu ferm to the said Master Gilbert, his heirs and assignees heritably, all and whole the said lands of Myreside and Bachilton with their parts, pendicles and pertinents, lying within the lordship and sheriffdom foresaid, to be held of his highness and his successors in feu ferm; and also that his majesty, in the month of September 1591, after his highness's lawful and perfect age of 25 years complete, with advice of David Seaton of Parbroath, comptroller, upon the said Master Gilbert's resignation, not only gave and conveyed heritably in feu ferm to the said Master Gilbert Moncrieff, his heirs and assignees whatsoever, all and whole the foresaid and pertinents lying within the lordship and sheriffdom above-rehearsed, but also for the good and thankful service done and to be done by the said Master Gilbert to his highness, of sure knowledge and free will of new, gave and conveyed to the said Master Gilbert, his heirs and assignees, all and whole the said lands of Myreside and Bachilton, with houses, buildings, yards, parts, pendicles, annexes, connexes, tofts, crofts, outsets and all their pertinents, together with all right, title, interest, claim of right as well petitioner as possessor, which his highness, his predecessors or successors had, has or in any way might claim or have thereto or any part thereof or to the feu mails, feu ferms, profits and duties of the same, of whatsoever years and terms bygone by reason of ward, non-entries, relief, escheat, forfeiture, resignations, purprestures, disclamations, bastardry, provisions of tailzie, reductions of infeftments, sasines or retours, alienation of whole or most part, or for whatsoever other cause, action or occasion bygone, renouncing and discharging the same with all action and instance thereof for his grace and his successors to the said Master Gilbert, his heirs and assignees, for then and ever with an agreement not to petition, and with supplement of all faults, as well not named as named, which his highness has held as expressed in the said last infeftment, to be held of his majesty and his successors in feu ferm for payment of the yearly ferm and duty contained in the first and second infeftments, in no way to the diminution of his highness's rental, but to the augmentation thereof, as in the said three infeftments of feu ferm under the great seal and sasines respectively following thereupon are at more length contained; therefore our said sovereign lord, considering the long, good, true and faithful service done to his highness and his grace's dearest cousin Ludovic [Stewart], duke of Lennox, at his highness's special command and direction, whereof his majesty has good experience, and willing to give him the better occasion to continue therein in time coming, with advice of the estates and whole body of this present parliament, ratifies, approves and, for his highness and his successors, perpetually confirms the whole three infeftments of feu ferm respectively above-written made and granted by his majesty, with advice of his grace's comptrollers, to the said Master Gilbert Moncrieff, his heirs and assignees whatsoever, of all and whole the said lands of Myreside and Bachilton, with houses, buildings, yards, parts, pendicles, annexes, connexes, tofts, crofts, outsets and all their pertinents lying within the lordship and sheriffdom foresaid, whole articles, clauses and conditions specified and contained in the same infeftments of feu ferm, together with the sasines respectively following thereupon after the forms and tenors thereof; and wills and grants and, for his highness and his successors, perpetually decrees and ordains that this present general ratification, approbation and confirmation is, and shall be, as sufficient as if the foresaid infeftments and sasines respectively following thereupon were at length, word by word, inserted herein for the said Master Gilbert's, his heirs', successors' and assignees' better security of the premises.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.54r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.