Ratification to Sir Robert Melville of Murdocairnie, knight, treasurer

2Our sovereign lord and his estates of parliament ratify and approve the first original infeftment made by our sovereign lord after his perfect age of 21 years complete to his well-beloved Sir Robert Melville of Murdocairnie, knight, his highness's treasurer, his heirs and assignees and successors therein specified, of all and whole the wood of Garvock and manured lands thereof, mansion and houses of the same; and also of all and whole the barony of Burntisland and lands annexed thereto, with the castle and fortalice of the same, advocation, donation and right of patronage of the benefices, with procuratories and instruments of resignation whereupon the same proceeded, together with diverse other infeftments of the same lands and barony made to the said Sir Robert and Robert Melville, his lawful son, and their heirs therein mentioned, specially the last infeftment made thereof to them by our said sovereign lord in his perfect age; and find and declare the same to have orderly proceeded and to have been justly and well given and granted to the said Sir Robert, his said son, their heirs and successors therein mentioned, for the reasons and causes specified in their said infeftments. And therefore, his majesty and his said estates of parliament have ratified and approved and, by the tenor of this ratification, ratify and approve the said infeftments, with the procuratories and resignations whereupon the same proceeded, in all heads, clauses, articles and circumstances thereof, and declare, decree and ordain the same to stand in full force, strength and effect to the said Sir Robert, his said son, their heirs and successors therein contained, for possessing of the said barony, lands and others annexed thereto in all time coming, notwithstanding any statute and ordinance, general or special revocation made in this present parliament, or at any time before the date hereof.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.52v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.