Regarding the payment of the burgh mails

2Item, because the burgh ruids, lands and privileges of the most part of the burghs of this realm are set of old for the burgh mails contained in their infeftments to be paid in sterling money, and through the oversight and negligence of his majesty's officers these many and diverse years bygone the said mails are received in current money of this realm, to his highness's great hurt and damage, therefore his majesty, with advice of his estates, ordains the whole provosts and bailies of the burghs of this realm to produce their infeftments in this next exchequer to be seen and considered by the lords auditors thereof that it may be known whether they ought to pay their said burgh mails in sterling money or usual current money of this realm, with certification if they fail they shall be held to pay the same in all times hereafter in sterling money, or else the value thereof as it is now current in Scotland.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.24r.
  2. Written in margin: 'V'.